Internet Technology That Works For ALL Schools


Recent headlines in leading publications for K12 educators and administrators have been heavily focused on Web 2.0 issues. Additional attention has also been paid to budgetary concerns and ways to increase technology usage with limited funds.


For example, educators and administrators across the US are debating the widely prevalent restrictions of social networks like Facebook, in a school setting.


Opponents of opening schools to increased internet access, claim that protecting students from harmful content can only be accomplished by blocking Facebook and similar sites.


However, proponents of increased web usage, argue that the only way to truly protect students from pernicious internet content is by teaching them how to use the internet responsibly.


As a result, Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) are being formed by many districts to deal specifically with internet and mobile communication issues – with some districts taking stricter stances on the subject, and others formulating more progressive rules.


On the budgetary side of things, governmental cuts and decreased private funding, has made it more difficult for many schools to actually implement any meaningful education technology programs. Well-equipped computer labs or wireless classrooms are the dream of many school principals and district administrators.


In this challenging environment, schools and districts are hard-pressed to leverage technology in the effort to improve education and administration.


At the same time, parents, students and school boards are expecting principals and administrators to champion the use of technology. Whether by incorporating it in the educational curriculum, or by streamlining school information systems, schools can make or break their reputation as being tech-savvy and efficient, or…not.


Fortunately, there is a way for all schools, no matter where they fall on the Web 2.0 AUP spectrum, to simultaneously benefit from internet technology while saving money and manpower.


PTC Wizard provides very affordable solutions for parent-teacher conference scheduling. The web-based system eliminates the need for administration and faculty to spend hours (sometime working overtime) to arrange appointments between teachers and parents.


The saved hours translate into saved dollars, which of course, can then be used for that new computer lab. But best of all, school staff and parents have something that they can rave about – a hassle-free parent teacher conference.


To discover how PTC Wizard transforms parent teacher conference scheduling, contact PTC Wizard for a quick and free webinar.



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